With all the bloggie people in the world-I figured I'd give it a shot! Although I AM a mom, I do not want this to become the run-of-the-mill "mom blog"! ~There are so many otherwise useless frugal tips(ECO), tricks, recipes and tweaks in my mind, that I figured, maybe, someone would find them useful, simply divine, or just need a laugh! ........ Push, push, push......the birth of Eclectic Potions and Notions!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
104~ SURVEY SPOT/Paypal (sucks!)
I LOATHE Paypal-well, ok, I'm not going to be cushy- I HATE Paypal, and will never use them again!
**I warn you all- they are NOT a secure site-there are leaks and I was a victim to one of those leaks!!
(SHORT & SWEET- a simple $20 transaction cost me $300!!)
**SO my question to SurveySpot is, do we HAVE to use sucky/unsecure Paypal, or will you still mail checks?
~I emailed them and will post response when/if I get one.
..if they are no longer mailing checks-I am outta there-more cash for you all!...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
A friend of mine called yesterday and said her 3 year old daughter (my peanut!) has the Swine flu-the doctor confirmed that the swine flu is NOT that much worse than the "normal" flu.
My question is, what motivation would the government have in creating panic over this? Think about it, inform yourself before simply getting the injection-what are the side affects?, how long have they tested it?, what does it contain!?
I have always said- QUESTION AUTHORITY!
from http://www.drrandy.org/
Holistic Medical Practice of Randy S. Baker MD and our center, the Pacific Center for Integral Health in Soquel, CA
Many people are concerned about the H1N1 influenza strain, popularly
called the swine flu. Because this is a strain few people are immune to,
it will likely spread more than the typical flu, and might affect 1/3 or
more of the population (of interest, the elderly are more likely to be
immune and thus less likely to become ill). However, this flu strain is
not any more serious than the typical seasonal flu, and there is growing
evidence that it is generally milder than typical seasonal flu. While
some people unfortunately die from influenza each year, most fatalities
are in those with serious chronic illness. It is rare for a generally
healthy person to die from influenza. Of interest, while the CDC states
that 36,000 people die in the US from influenza each year, the data shows
that the number is actually about 1,300.
Many steps can be taken to prevent influenza. A widely-used
strategy is the flu vaccine. The H1N1 strain did not appear until
this year’s seasonal vaccine was already in production, so
there are 2 vaccines this year, the regular seasonal vaccine and
one for H1N1. Until recently, I
strongly advised against the swine flu vaccine due to plans to add
squalene to the vaccine in an attempt to make it more potent.
Squalene has the potential to trigger serious autoimmune disease.
Fortunately, significant public awareness was raised about this
Hazard (largely due to the efforts of Dr. Joseph Mercola), leading many to
plan to refuse the vaccine, leading the manufacturers to recently announce
that it would not be added in the US. While I still have some concerns
about the safety of this vaccine, they are far less if it is
squalene-free. Remaining concerns include the presence of thimerosal, a
mercury-containing preservative found in most of the injectable flu
vaccines, and the fact that a certain percentage (5-10%) of vaccines are
contaminated with viruses and bacteria such as mycoplasma. Still, I feel
it is now
reasonable for those in fragile health to consider the vaccine.
An outspoken critic of vaccines is Dr. Mercola. You can go to his
popular web site to read his latest take on the vaccine and
Also of interest, 12 of 13 Canadian provinces recently suspended giving
the seasonal flu vaccine due to research showing that people who got the
annual flu vaccine last year had twice the chance of getting the H1N1
strain this year(!):
This calls into question the safety and efficacy of flu vaccines. A review
of research by mainstream scientists with impeccable credentials suggests
that the influenza vaccine is not particularly safe and effective for
either adults or children:
http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/55507.php and
http://www.jpands.org/vol11no3/geier.pdf There is evidence that elderly
people in extended care facilities have significantly less deaths from
pneumonia if they get flu vaccine, so it is reasonable for that population
to consider. I do not recommend children and adults in good general
health get influenza vaccine.
There are many other ways to prevent the flu. Research shows that
people with low blood levels of Vitamin D have a significantly
greater chance of getting influenza. Experts advise 5000 units of
Vitamin D during fall and winter to boost immunity.
Other good immune boosters include zinc (15-30 mg/day), Vitamin A
(10,000 units/day, ideally form a fish source), and Vitamin C (1,000-2,000
mg 2x/day). Andrographis, a wonderful herb, can reduce chances of getting
colds and flu by 50% (200 mg 5 days a week or 400 mg 3 days a
Avoiding contact with sick people, frequent hand washing, and
eating a healthy diet while minimizing sugar, alcohol and fried
foods are all likely to help. Reducing stress and maintaining a positive
attitude also boosts immunity.
A homeopathic preparation made from influenza virus, Influenzinum,
is claimed to act like a vaccine. Research needs to confirm this,
but many homeopaths have found it effective in their practices and
it seems reasonable to try.
If one gets influenza, homeopathy can be the best treatment. It
was documented to be remarkably effective during the 1918
pandemic. Here is a summary of how homeopathy was useful in this pandemic:
It is documented that in the 1918 pandemic
up to 30% of patients seeking conventional care died. However, it is
important to note that there is absolutely no evidence that the new H1N1
strain is anywhere nearly as virulent, and almost all of the deaths were
not directly from influenza but from secondary pneumonia. This was before
the discovery of antibiotics, and undoubtedly western medicine today is
much better able to successfully treat pneumonia.
However, during the 1918 pandemic it documented that those treated with
homeopathy had dramatically better outcomes.
The following is an extract from an article entitled "Homeopathy In
Influenza- A Chorus Of Fifty In Harmony" by W. A. Dewey, MD that appeared
in the Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy in 1920 (thanks to
Julian Winston and David Warkentin for this).
"Dean W. A. Pearson of Philadelphia collected 26,795 cases of influenza
treated by homeopathic physicians with a mortality of 1.05%, while the
average old school mortality is 30%.
Thirty physicians in Connecticut responded to my request for data. They
reported 6,602 cases with 55 deaths, which is less than 1%. In the
transport service I had 81 cases on the way over. All recovered and were
landed. Every man received homeopathic treatment. One ship lost 31 on the
way. H. A. Roberts, MD, Derby, Connecticut.
In a plant of 8,000 workers we had only one death. The patients were not
drugged to death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used
no aspirin and no vaccines. -Frank Wieland, MD, Chicago.
I did not lose a single case of influenza; my death rate in the pneumonias
was 2.1%. The salycilates, including aspirin and quinine, were almost the
sole standbys of the old school and it was a common thing to hear them
speaking of losing 60% of their pneumonias.-Dudley A. Williams, MD,
Providence, Rhode Island.
Fifteen hundred cases were reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of
the District of Columbia with but fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the
National Homeopathic Hospital were 100%.-E. F. Sappington, M. D.,
I have treated 1,000 cases of influenza. I have the records to show my
work. I have no losses. Please give all credit to homeopathy and none to
the Scotch-Irish-American! -T. A. McCann, MD, Dayton, Ohio.
We treated over 300 cases of influenza among the members of the Student
army Training Corps with no deaths.Gelsemium, Bryonia and Ferrum
phosporicum were the leading remedies. Only in those cases having had
aspirin was convalescence delayed and pneumonia produced.
C.B.Stouffer, M.D
Ann Arbor
One physician in a Pittsburgh hospital asked a nurse if she knew any
better than what he was doing, because he was losing so many cases. "Yes,
Doctor, stop Aspirin and go down to a homeopathic pharmacy, and get
homeopathic remedies." The Doctor replied; "But that is homeopathy." "I
know it, but the homeopathic doctors for whom I have nursed have not lost
a single case."
W.F.Edmundson, M.D
Three hundred and fifty cases were treated and I only lost one.
Cora Smith King, M.D
Washington D.C
Eleven men reported 3,600 cases with 6 deaths. My records show 750 cases
with one death.Gelsemium, Bryonia and Eupatorium were the remedies
F.A.Swartwout, M.D
Washington D.C.
In the Public Health service in New Mexico among the Mexican population
chiefly Veratrum viride, Gelsemium and Bryonia were introduced and
excellent results followed their use in influenza. No cases died under
homeopathic medication.
E.Fisher, M.D
Epidemics tend to have a single remedy that helps most
patients. Homeopaths have found several remedies helpful thus
far for swine flu and there is not yet a consensus if one is the
best for most cases. Homeopaths seem to be having the greatest success
with Arsenicum album, Belladonna and Eupatorium perfoliatum. It might be
a good idea to get all 3 to have on hand. A good summary of how to choose
an appropriate remedy is here: http://www.homeopathic.com/articles/view,93
If a consensus on a remedy good for most cases develops, I will post it here.
At the first sign of the flu I would take Oscillococcinum (a
homeopathic remedy proven effective for flu) or a more specific
remedy based on symptoms. I advise Vit. C 2,000 mg every 1-2
hours until loose stools (then lesser amounts). I advise
elderberry extract (Sambucol, or Immunity Take Care by New Chapter, also
called DART Immune by NewMark), Lomatium and Andrographis (400 mg 3x/day).
Boneset tea can also be helpful.
John Cannell MD has found that taking 900 units of Vit. D per
pound of weight for 3 days to be a highly effective treatment.
This means a 200 pound person would take 180,000 units a day for
3 days, truly a megadose. Such doses are toxic if taken
long-term, but appear safe if limited to 3 days:
Vitamin A can also help, up to 250,000 units of a fish-based source, for
up to 5 days. This dose can be toxic taken for prolonged periods, but is
safe to take for a few days.
Even if one takes nothing, they will likely fully recover from the flu
within a week or 2. Taking appropriate homeopathics, vitamins and herbs
can dramatically reduce the severity of symptoms and duration of illness
while preventing complications such as secondary infections.
If we do get the flu, it forces us to slow down and can be a good
work-out for the immune system, giving us natural immunity to the
flu for years to come. Having the flu helps our bodies to
detoxify, and helps us to appreciate what a blessing it is to enjoy
good health, something best not taken for granted.
Check back here periodically for updates as this situation develops.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
98~ *WIN*
Saturday, October 3, 2009
97~ Ellen Quote...
Ellen DeGeneres
96~ Deal on Halloween Costumes!
95~ Bindis
Looks like a really funky shop that I may be bookmarking!
Good 'ole Amazon has them also!
94~ Easy Banana Bread recipe...
I have been cranking out banana bread the past few days,and cannot seem to make enough to have an extra loaf to freeze! The whole family Loved it!
~Of all sources, the following recipe comes from a cookbook copywrited in 1978!
The Taming of the C.A.N.D.Y. Monster, by Vicki Lansky....((C-ontinuously A-dvertised
N-utritionally D-eficient Y-ummies))
***A lot of the information/tips in this cookbook are "no-brainers", but even such, I hold onto it!
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg -beaten
1 cup bran cereal or uncooked oatmeal
4-5 mashed ripe bananas (1 1/2 cup)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cup flour (white/whole wheat, or combination)
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 cup chopped nuts (i omitted these, so far no bread police have shown up!)
Get to work....
Cream shortening and sugar until light. Add egg and mix. Add cereal, bananas and vanilla. Stir. Combine the remaining ingredients in a bowl and add to the first mixture, stirring only long enough to moisten the flour. Bake in a greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for an hour* or until bread tests done. Stand back, family will attack!
*an hour was not even close to the correct time for me on this, I used a loaf pan and it took an hour and a half-I had better results dividing the mixture in half using 2 loaf pans, thus cutting bake time in half...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
93~Silver Ion HEPA Air Filter Giveaway
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
88~ A little George Carlin ~*RIP*~
87~ Wrong in so many ways but funny as hell...
85~ Thought of the day....
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
83~ Auto art..
Steve Heller's Fabulous Furniture
Route 28 Boiceville, New York
Wed-Sun 10-5 845-657-6317
82~ Adjack daily sweepstakes
Watch 5 videos to get 5 numbers and the AdJack number.
Drawing is each Friday at 6 pm EST
Prizes: MadJack: $500,000 MoJack: $25,000 CrackaJack: $1,000
81~ Printable Coupon for Libby's Vegatables
Coupon valid for U.S. residents only...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
80~ Move over Papa John, it's Mama Mom....
I have tried many, this one is versatile,easy and non exhausting, I RIKE IT!!
First I used it for stromboli dough, filled it with pepperoni, peppers and some other fun stuff-they were awesome! The dough is sturdy enough that none of my ingredients leaked out (I really am not sure if it is the recipe or my cr@ppy skills in the kitchen-but I have had leakage!)
Any who, you could make breadsticks served with warm marinara (yummy), pretzels, rolls/flatbread out of this recipe and you may be the next Martha Stewart!
Tonight I am going to try to make pizza with it, as it was intended....SMACK! Back on point....Dough:
1 1/3 cups of lukewarm water
1 (1/4 ounce) pkg active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 cup rolled oats (quick or old fashioned)
1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for coating the dough
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
3 1/2 cups flour, more for kneading
Pour the water in big bowl, sprinkle in the yeast.
Stir in the sugar and oats, allow to sit for 5 minutes. Stir in the oil and salt. Add 2 cups of the flour and beat the mixture for @ 100 strokes. (the angry dough gods are not going to get you if you only do 30 or 40-...well....they haven't gotten me yet) Set mixture aside for 5 minutes **this is my kind of cooking all these breaks!
Break over...Add the remaining flour 1/3 cup at a time (no dough gods here either) and beat well after additions. When the dough is firm and pliable place it on a floured surface and knead until it is springy (8 minutes) Add more flour if the dough becomes sticky.
Place dough in lightly oiled bowl, turn dough to coat it with oil, cover and set aside in a warm spot until it has doubled in size, @ an hour....
If using it for pizza crust,heat oven to 425 roll dough and bake on oiled cookie sheet for 25 minutes...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
79~ 30% off HP Pavilion Notebook PC
Use coupon code: NBR49875.
The offer excludes the HP HDX16t, HP Minis and all Compaq models. The offer is limited to the first 1800 coupons redeemed, and will become void after that. Only 1 redemption per person or address is allowed. The coupon is not valid with other promotions and restrictions apply. For complete conditions, see Coupon Information in the Customer Service section. HERE
75~*WIN* Calibowl’s Stack of Pretty Bowls

Its Features:
- Patent pending no-spill lip
- Sleek design and subtle lip makes cleaning simple
- Made of Polypropylene, a plastic polymer that is exceptionally durable
- Manufactured using partially recycled material
- Fun contemporary colors available in different sizes
- Microwaveable (*please do not microwave)
- Dishwasher Safe
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
74~ Story of haunting...
The Handprint in Cell 17
Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania By Shannon Reinbold-Gee
Carbon County Jail/Old Jail Museum, Jim Thorpe (PA)
In the modern-day town of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania there is a small jail cell with an apparently long memory. Cell 17 of the Carbon County Jail bears a testament to one man’s innocence in the form of a single handprint on the wall. On “The Day of the Rope” (June 21, 1877) ten men were hanged because they fought for better treatment and better working conditions for their people. One of them, a bold ringleader named Alexander Campbell placed his hand upon the wall and swore it’d stay there as proof of his innocence.
It has.
Once a rag-tag group of Irish immigrants terrorized the coalmine country of Pennsylvania, and for good reason. Times were hard and the Irish—the newcomers trying to survive the Potato Famine and political hardships—had wrongly believed America would welcome them. Instead, they got sucked into the vicious drudgery of working the coalmines in northeastern Pennsylvania and thousands of men, and the boy children working beside them, died as a result.
The coal regions of Pennsylvania bear the scars of those desperate days, some places continue to seep twisting, smoky ghost-like wisps from the ground as fires still burn in the tunnels and shafts far below the surface. It makes for a haunting scene, and there are more reasons than just physical sparks and flames.
Living in tiny houses and knowing they owed everything they earned to “the company store” grated on the proud Irish. Through legal means they established the Worker’s Benevolent Association and made small progress, the group being shut down by the powerful railroad magnates and coal companies who stood to profit from gouging the public with high fuel costs. Public opinion was easy to turn against the Irish and quickly the very coal miners who were dying of “black lung” as they struggled to pay their bills were getting blamed for the rising cost of coal. The companies took advantage of the situation, reducing workers’ wages by 20%.
Hard workers, but not ones to play the submissive, the Irish organized and took on the name “Molly Maguires” (also supposedly using the “The Ancient Order of the Hibernians” as a front for their activities). They did whatever they could without any political power of their own to make change happen. Desperate times quickly led to desperate (and sometimes illegal) measures and the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad (under Franklin B. Gowen) sent a Pinkerton Detective to worm his way into the organization, gain their trust and bring them down.
The Pinkerton (James McPharlan, a.k.a. Jamie McKenna) was very successful. He befriended the Mollies and in the course of 3 years he gathered (and in some key cases supposedly fabricated) enough evidence to bring down some of the most important men in the area. One of them was Alexander Campbell. On the day he was hanged, Campbell again claimed his innocence and rested his hand on the wall of Cell 17, swearing his handprint would forever remain as a sign of his innocence. He was forcibly removed and hanged on the gallows built for the occasion.
His handprint still remains. Sheriffs have tried to remove it over the years, but to no avail. They’ve tried cleaning it off, painting it over and even tearing down the wall and rebuilding a new one. Regardless of their method, the handprint returns as if seeping through from another dimension.
Today the jail has been closed and is known as the Old Jail Museum. Tours are run regularly and the story of Alexander Campbell is still told to the amazed tourists. Some visitors still report an eerie sensation lingering in Cell 17. Could it be some small sense of satisfaction still sticks to the wall with the handprint as Campbell’s ghost observes the scene, a true testament to one man’s innocence?
73~ The time is near....
Love it -Love it-Love it!!
Love the gory haunts, the innocent kiddies, the fresh crisp air, not to mention the haunted Reeses that mysteriously disappear from the girls bags EVERY year!
*)*)So, if you are into having the wits scared out of you, may I recommend www.realhaunts.com Their site has stories, and a list of locations in all states as to where you can find spooky awesomeness!
May not be a whole lot of listing right now-too early for some folk, I have seen many ads on Craigslist, posters seeking workers for haunted houses etc..
This story takes place 20 minutes from where I live and is posted on www.realhaunts.com ....
Resurrection Cemetery
Trexlertown, Pennsylvania
In the 1940s, a young lady lived across the street from the cemetery. After becoming infected with tuberculosis, the girl died and was buried in a white party gown. It is said that on dark nights, one may see a bright, illuminating figure of a young girl walking along the side of the road. It is said that if one stops, she will ask him for a ride home because she is lost. Once they get past the cemeterys property line, however, the girl disappears.
72~ New fundraising idea...
The company is Grounds For Change and the following is the link about their fundraising program.....http://www.groundsforchange.com/support/fundraiser.php?PHPSESSID=2b44423015dbf5411b90374191ba449a
Grounds for Change is proud to offer a unique coffee fundraiser with our Fair Trade, Organic coffee that is sure to be profitable and easy to implement. This is a fundraiser that you can use on a regular basis, even with the same people that have purchased from you in the past.
In addition-they have a coffee of the month program, Fair Trade Organic Tea, Yerba Mate & Chocolate as well!
Monday, September 7, 2009
71~Organic Trade Association
Find any/all information you may be seeking regarding organic items-this site contains resources to find facts, information, sellers and MORE...
U.S. organic food sales have grown between 17 and 21 percent each year since 1997, to nearly triple in sales, while total U.S. food sales over this time period have grown in the range of only 2 to 4 percent a year. According to the findings, organic food sales now represent approximately 2 percent of U.S. food sales.
Consumers continue to seek out fresh organic fruits and vegetables at their local food cooperatives, supermarkets, farmers’ markets, and through Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs). There are even companies that deliver organic products directly to customers’ homes. For instance, in the Puget Sound, Washington, area, Pioneer Organics (www.pioneerorganics.com) offers a home delivery service featuring organic produce and groceries.
70~*WIN* Nintendo DS Lite (BLACK)
69~*WIN* Mediterranean Grilling by Diane Kochilas
68~*WIN*Julie & Julia and Mastering the Art of French Cooking
Sunday, September 6, 2009
67~ How to make Stromboli By Cheri Sicard
1 1/4 cups warm water (105° - 115°F)
1 tablespoon yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
between 3 1/2 - 4 cups flour...remainder of recipe, complete with pictures......
Friday, September 4, 2009
66~ Not a fan of REDBOOK...
Let me tell you, I just got off the phone with a collections office by the name of Sunrise Credit Services, Inc, after recieving a collection notice for Redbook-(Never ordered OR recieved a thing!-got info through a sweep?) The woman I spoke with said that I DONT owe the money, but this is how they see if people want to order the magazine!!!! She said, they are contracted to send this CR@P to people and then, when YOU call the collection agency, they ask how you would like to pay for your new subscription! WTF!!!I deem it creative but I dont appreciate scare tactics as a form of advertising!!! FYI--if you recieve this letter-you have to call or they will deem it valid and you will be billed!!
65~ Find craft shows near you....
Musician, Band, or Performer
Booking Agent
Commercial Exhibitor
Food Vendor
Service Provider
Find the place here-they have a state by state locator...
Lehigh Valley readers: You can find just about all you need or desire at merchants Square Mall!
Merchants Square Mall 1901 South 12th StreetAllentown PA 18103
Next show is Saturday, October 24, 2009 10 am - 4 pm
Admission $3.00, Children 12 under free (coupon available at above link)
They are also looking for venders!
$55.00 for Indoor Booth space
$20.00 for Table space Includes Admission
64~ Flier...
63~ Pig in boots
62~FREE Skin Cancer Screening in your area!
For you Lehigh Valley readers, I found none in Pennsylvania, however the site did say screenings are typically held in May......
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
59~Angel Food Ministries
~We have ordered from them several times and are very pleased. Our local pickup church was very organized and I was in and outta there in less than an hour! YAY!! If you have not tried them- go for it-you afraid of saving money!?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
58~ Can you block a follower!?
Friday, August 28, 2009
57~ Don't get ripped off on firewood this year!
*I fell for this one when we first moved into our home two years ago, but NOW? God help the person who tries this one on me! Put on your mathematicians hats on for a moment....
A FULL cord equals 128 cubic feet, usually found as 4'x4'x8' -however can also be 2'x4'x16 8you get the picture....
A FACE cord is stacked where the FACE is 4'x8' BUT the depth is not the 4' measurement.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
56~ Cafe Latte recipe
Microwave 1/2-3/4 cup of milk for 1-2 minutes, just mix with 1/2 cup of strong coffee (rocket fuel, as I call it!) ...ZZZZZZZZZIIIIPPPPPPPP!.....
55~ Musty Books?
54~ Sneaky cat video-funny
53~ Homemade facial recipe
52~Laundry pretreatment recipe
1/2 cup ammonia
1/2 cup laundry soap -see post #8 for homemeade recipe
1/2 cup water
Keep in a spray bottle-spray and launder as usual...
51~Chinese Minced Chicken Wrap- recipe
***TO lessen the cost I used thawed ground turkey meat from Aldi @ 1.19 a pound...the mushrooms I used the old standard or portabella....I have tried teriyaki in place of soy sauce....used a regular 'ol onion finely chopped....used black pepper instead of white...canola or olive oil in place of the peanut oil...and we are still alive! We make this so often and when I am not running to the store for a special onion- I have used what I've got- it is impossible to not have a tasty meal with this!***
**for you Lehigh Valley local peeps~the Springtown Farmers Market www.SpringtownFarmersMarket.org **
Recipe by Patrick Bowersock
Chinese Minced Chicken Wraps-serves 4
1 pound ground chicken
20 cashews-chopped rough
3 mushrooms-chopped fine (shitake suggested, any will do)
3 scallions- 2 fine chopped, green part of 1 julienned
4 teaspoons soy sauce
1 Tablespoon Oyster sauce
1Tablespoon rice wine or dry Sherry
1 teaspoon of cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon sugar
salt/ white pepper~to taste
2 teaspoons peanut oil
3 cloves garlic-fine chopped
16 iceberg lettuce leaves
Asian Chile sauce -to taste
Put chicken-cashews-mushrooms-chopped scallions in bowl.
Combine/mix- soy sauce-oyster sauce-wine-cornstarch-sugar-salt and pepper in a bowl, Pour over chicken mixture and toss- Let marinate for 15 minutes.
Heat oil in skillet over medium high heat, add garlic and cook for 10 seconds, add chicken mixture. Cook, stirring until browned. That was easy! You are done!
Spoon some of the mixture onto lettuce leaf, garnish w/julienned scallion and a bit of chile.
I have not made the following, but can accompany the above recipe, it creates a sauce that is frequently used to accompany pan-fried Chinese dumplings...
PB Chang's sauce
Mix together 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon finely chopped ginger. Add 2 tablespoons of water. Microwave for 30 seconds. Although this sauce is fine on it's own, to replicate the PF Changs sauce, mix this sauce with 1 Tablespoon of Chinese mustard and 1 teaspoon Asian Chile sauce.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
50~ You CAN freeze eggs!
I shop at Aldi a lot so the large eggs are nonexistent and will be trying 6 eggs ;)
Lightly mix 1 cup of raw eggs (about 5 large eggs)
with 1 teaspoon of salt-store in an airtight container. Thaw overnight in the refrigerator - will keep for up to 6 months! Ratio* 3 tablespoons of thawed egg mixture equals one large
(non Aldi) egg......
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
49~Funky Monkey Healthy Organic Snacks Giveaway
Bananamon® (freeze-dried banana and cinnamon)
Carnaval Mix™ (freeze-dried banana, pineapple, apple, papaya and raisins),
Jivealime® (freeze-dried pineapple and lime juice), and
Purple Funk® (freeze-dried banana and açai – pronounced ah-sigh-EE)
To enter, visit Saving in Akron
48~ quote
47~Hells Kitchen...
46~Win a facial cream from Pangea Organics from thedailygreen.com!!
Read more: http://www.thedailygreen.com/sweepstakes/9721#ixzz0Od8VBbXv
Pangea Organics, ecocentric skincare whose facial cream is formulated to hydrate and moisturize with the safest ingredients for your delicate face.
(Total Value: $36.00)Read more: http://www.thedailygreen.com/sweepstakes/9721#ixzz0Od8dWzWi
Monday, August 17, 2009
45~ Pure Sprouts- and other Organic Food Delivery
Our produce is of the highest quality, fresh, and competitively priced. You’ll love us and our food- try us out today!
Place your order by 8pm on Tuesday for this weekend's delivery!
44~ HUH!?
Buuuuaaaahahahahahahha- we are 10 minutes from the NJ state line, I think next Sunday I may drive a bit farther to food shop--heh heh - Dang, that sounds like a Tom Green type thing!
I could do a citizens arrest on the clerk! .......
43~ Homemade Ice pack recipe-~*~Headbangers Unite~*~
( I think they are up to @ a $6 a week bandaid habit!) so I was forced to seek out this recipe for homemade ice packs- the fun slushy kind!!
Homemade Ice Packs Using Alcohol
1 cup rubbing alcohol
2 cups water
Freezer Bag (1 quart size)
Pour liquids into freezer bag, remove air and seal bag. Place bag seal side down into another ziploc freezer bag, remove air and seal that bag. Place in freezer and use (and reuse) when needed (nice and slushy!).
The suggestion of food coloring was also a keeper!
***there was some icy drama on the correct amounts, the above was the best ~according to me ;) so here is the link if you would like to compare...LINKY
Saturday, August 15, 2009
42~ Win free groceries for a year!
"It Pays to Eat Pasta Sweepstakes!"
Grand Prize~$5,200 check
First Prizes~$200 check
Sweepstakes begins on 8/15/09 & ends 10/30/09. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S. & D.C. 18 or older. Void in Puerto Rico and where prohibited.
Friday, August 14, 2009
41~ Stupid laws of Pennsylvania
*You may not sing in the bathtub. ---my girls are hardened criminals!!
*A person is not eligible to become Governor if he/she has participated in a duel. ---damn, I have to step down!!
*Motorized vehicles are not to be sold on Sundays.----whoops
*You may not catch a fish by any body part except the mouth.---well, there goes the p*nis fishing tournament I was organizing!
40~ Did you know?
They are:
Mizaru (See no evil)
Mikazaru (Kikazaru - Hear no evil)
Mazaru (Iwazaru - Speak no evil).
The fourth wise monkey is called Shizaru (Do no evil)
39~Overstock.com Family Bailout
One winner chosen each month of 2009.
One entry per day. Return daily to enter and increase your chances of winning!
Overstock.com Family Bailout
Shared via AddThis
Thursday, August 13, 2009
38~ Childrens DHA in time for school!
Supports Brain Development, and Visual and Nervous System FunctionNordic Naturals Children's DHA is a small, chewable cod liver oil supplement flavored with strawberry essence. Children's DHA is a delicious way for children to supplement their diet with the essential brain nutrient, DHA. Molecularly distilled for purity, Children's DHA contains only naturally existing vitamins A and D.For children three years and older.
ORDER HERE or find it in your local health food store..
School is starting soon~ time to pump up the brain power!! My girls (7&10) have taken the Childrens DHA for a bit over a year now- I can tell the difference!
They seem to focus on their school work, and get better grades, when they are on it, (with less distraction).
Don't expect a miracle! BUT~ either way they are getting healthy ingredients in a tasty chewable they like! I tried one and personally, think they are .......not good.......but...... my girls LOVE them!
To read further on the benefits of Omega's and fish oil, visit OmegaResearch.com
37~ Homemade Soft pretzels* EASY RECIPE!!

They are definitely pretzel like, if you can overloook the non brown color- however these were a big hit dipped in mustard, as well as the kid concoction of melted cream cheese and butter! They did have the correct consistency (the pretzels-heh heh) and could be treated as the store bought type.
Soft Pretzels
1 package of yeast
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 teaspoon salt
1tablespoon sugar
4-5 cups flour
Prezel salt (optional)
In a large bowl, combine water and yeast. Add sugar and salt, add flour until you have a stiff, plyable dough. Place on floured surface and put your kids to work- knead for 5-8 minutes. Shape as you like, just not too thick or it will burn and be raw in the middle! Brush with a beaten egg and sprinkle with salt-if desired.
Bake at 425 degrees for 5 minutes, or until golden brown. (ours took 10 minutes!)
36~ Buy local, buy organic
We have Strawberry Acres (http://www.strawberryacres.com)
near us and go each year to pick our own apples!
Pumpkin season is coming too!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
35~Bought a new tent!
- I decided to splurge a bit, I got a great deal on a tent that we will ALL fit in- WITHOUT SCRUNCHING!!
They have some great deals and free shipping on Amazon....
34~How to Grow Asparagus | eHow.com
Shared via AddThis
I thought it was interesting, it takes three years to have a good crop to eat- thinking of starting NOW!...
Monday, August 10, 2009
33~ Fall is coming! Think warm beverages....
Spicy Apple Juice
32~ Follow up from post #25....The phone is saved!!
Let me tell you @ this phone-twice now it has cheated death!!
..About a year ago, I accidentally put the phone in the washing machine (forgot it was in a pocket) -it went through he entire cycle, set to heavy load!!!!
Still ~ not knowing it was being assaulted, it went into the drier. By the time I realized what I had done, it had gone through the washer and 30 minutes in the drier! To add insult to injury, it fell out of the drier onto the concrete floor...
Being as cheap, er, frugal as I am, I decided that dang phone WAS going to work!! I wiped it off and took a hair drier to it-four hours later-it was working and I was calling everyone to tell them!!
It never rusted,(everyone said it would) and still works! After this last Saturdays phone bath-it took two days in a sealed Ziplock baggie with dessicant-but it works baby!! there is no damage,pictures still there, clear, as well as my contacts!
The lesson here is: if you want a reliable phone, go with a Sanyo Katana II and if you insist on bathing your phone-dessiccant in a baggie/hairdrier seems to work.
.....dessicant are those pesky little white packets labeled "Do not eat" that come in vitamin bottles, shoeboxes,bookbags etc. to keep them dry. (these are the places I frantically searched and found them)
Friday, August 7, 2009
31~ Mambo Sprouts
This is a great site for your wallet AND health- there are many printable coupons, contests,healthy recipes and helpful articles...
30~ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda special offers
Register now and you’ll receive your special money-saving offer along with advance notification of upcoming ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda special offers, promotions, tips, recipes and other exciting news!
*Septic Care
Regular use of ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda in your drains can help keep your Septic System flowing freely. We recommend adding 1 cup of ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda per week to help maintain a favorable pH in your Septic Tank.
Spicy food is yummy until it bothers the tummy. ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda is a safe and effective antacid to relieve heartburn, sour stomach and/or acid indigestion, when used as directed. Always refer to the ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda package for instructions. Learn more about how ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda works as an antacid.
* Facial Scrub and Body Exfoliant
Are you a fan of the self-tan? Before applying products that give you a ‘glow’, give yourself an invigorating, yet gentle, facial and body scrub with ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda. Removing dead skin cells will leave your skin soft and smooth, perfect before application. Make a paste of 3 parts ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda to 1 part water. Rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate the skin. Rinse clean. Gentle enough for daily use!
*Hair Care
For locks that rock, remember to shake it. Sprinkle a small amount (quarter-size) of ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly. The ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind so your hair is cleaner and more manageable
*Hand Cleanser
Give yourself a hand with ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda. Forget the harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands with a paste of 3 parts ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda to 1 part water, or 3 parts ARM & HAMMER® Baking Soda to your liquid hand soap. Then rinse clean. Your skin will feel softer too!
...you can find many more tips on their website, click below...
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
29~Free Caffeinated Soap
for our first 4,000 subscribers
FREE SOAPCaffeinated SoapHow about an alternative to your morning cup o’ joe that you have to be naked to enjoy? Well here you go, peppermint-scented caffeinated soap! Jump in your morning shower and suds up and you’ll get a bit of caffeine right through your skin served up with a nice therapeutic peppermint aroma. You can start getting your daily caffeine fix before you’re even dressed! And there’s a bonus… topically applied caffeine is reported to be effective in helping reduce the risk of skin cancer as well as in lessening the appearance of cellulite.
Terms & Conditions: We take great precautions to keep the information you share with us private. You must be aged 18 or over to request or send a free sample. Please allow 3-5 weeks for delivery. Only one sample per household will be provided.
28~Queen Latifah Movie Extras for a day
I am pleased to announce that me and Commonare filming a new romantic comedy about basketball called "Just Wright" which will feature cameos by Nets President Rod Thorn and a few Nets players. The producers are looking for true basketball fans to work as "extras" in the movie, and we would like to extend a special invitation to all Nets fans to attend an Open Call!
We will film at the IZOD Center on Wednesday, August 12th, Thursday August, 13th, and Friday, August 14th and are inviting men, women and children NON SAG only to join us. Extras can choose to attend any specific day or every date listed above. We expect to shoot each day from mid morning until night, and ask that you are available to stay the entire day if you wish to participate. Please feel free to share this invitation with a friend, but everyone must rsvp for themselves. We will provide exact information, including wardrobe and parking details, to everyone who is cast. Anyone chosen to participate will receive $79.75 for completion of 10 hours of work. Please do not show up unless you have been contacted by someone from casting.
Anyone interested in being an extra in this movie should send an email to fans@njnets.com no later than Wednesday, August 5th with the following information: - Name
- Age
- Phone number (home and cell)
- Email address
- Days available to shoot
- Can you receive text messages?
- Will you be able to travel to East Rutherford, NJ (must arrange your own transportation to shoot)
- Are you SAG (Screen Actor Guild)*?
- Are you a US Citizen or have a valid passport, Greencard, Work Visa? (Everyone must have a social security number)
- Please attach a recent candid picture of yourself (please make sure it is not too large)
We are very excited about this opportunity and hope to see you at the IZOD Center!
Queen Latifah
* This is open to NON SAG only
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
26~Hells Kitchen!!

Tent City baby!! ..note the jumping rope support because we couldn't find all the poles! ha ha ha
Today began, for me, with a very nutritious breakfast of Tylenol and coffee, after sleepingoutside in *KID* tents with my girls. I probably got about 4 hours of sleep (girls got more)because of countless hours of waking with the "what-if's"...what if a skunk decides this is the perfect place to crash for the evening? ..what if the girls really DID have food in their tents?...what if the girls or I get bitten by the *one* highly toxic and rare snipe beetle!? (we have all gone snipe hunting!) ...anything is possible, maybe there is a snipe beetle?...BUT,
As you can tell none of that occurred, we awoke sore and tired but I have to say I had a painfully good time!
....LATER in the day, we had lunch with G'pa (my dad/Grandpa is a name for old people!) and went to a local watering hole....no, not that kind...a local creek to cool off from this 90 degree humid weather. The girls got into the biggest mud fight I have seen yet! ...by the end of the day, I had fallen in, trying to retrieve a flip flop that was floating away from it's owner (my eldest-10)...FLASHFORWARD>>>>>
I am now with out a cell phone because OF COURSE I had it on me! This is the second time this phone has taken on water (another story for which I SHOULD have a commercial!) ...we will see if it survives this situation, if it does I should consider a Sanyo Katana II tattoo! ha ha --kidding mommy---
Monday, August 3, 2009
24~Alert* Mom-ism...
I am always very supportive of creativity, but will have to think twice after this one!
She made a very cute little beach a few days ago and used corn starch and water as the sand. We played with it for a bit- (turns to solid if you squeeze it etc.)
fun fun- yada yada.....uh, as of now, we have been staying off of our porch all together, indoors is best- let me tell you, the smell.....that is coming off of that little innocent mixture of corn starch and water, could peel the skin off a carcass from a mile away!! DISPOSE OF CORNSTARCH AND WATER MIXTURES PROPERLY!!!
I am not sure how to get rid of it- I may have to excavate! ha ha
23~more funny pics...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
21~Tibetan Personality Test
Take the test
20~Hell's Kitchen starts Tuesday!!
This season the grand prize winner will hold the Head Chef position at Araxi Restaurant in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada! This will be a huge accomplishment, as the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games are scheduled to be held there...
We will be watching Tuesday 8-9pm EST/PT on FOX!!
We also watch his show, the F Word and Kitchen Nightmares on BBC, which are greatly entertaining shows.- We enjoy them mainly because they depict Gordon Ramsey out of the kitchen, showing his home and how nice he can be when stresses are minimal.....
You can enter to win a trip for two to Whistler, Canada, and MORE.... there are weekly prizes!
Enter the Bon Appetite, When Hell Freezes Over Sweepstakes
Friday, July 31, 2009
19~Monkey herds goats- farmer approves
© 2009 National Geographic (AP)
Unedited Transcript
In a story reported by the AP, every morning, a worker at the Palagapandi estate in India, opens the door to the pen and lets the goats and their kids out.
But as they head to the forest to graze no human herder accompanies them.
That's because Mani, the resident monkey, shepherds the goats- numbering 75- around the plantation.
SOUNDBITE (Malayalam): Martin K, Estate Manager- "She takes out the goats for grazing and brings them back. A shepherd is usually required to accompany the goats all day long and bring them back in these hills. But because of her, manpower can be spared. She is as good as a shepherd. The only thing is that she does not speak, but otherwise carries out all responsibilities."
They say they feel confident that the goats will be safe when Mani accompanies them.
Mani is said to make a strange sound when she discovers a goat is missing or when danger lurks.......
Monkey herds goats
18~Bacon Dog Biscuits- recipe
What better way to ensure there is no "funny stuff" in your dogs treats!
*I have read many conflicting ideas about garlic, some feel it is beneficial to dogs, as others quake at the thought...so, if you are not quaking right now- give this recipe a whirl!
(you could omit the garlic altogether, it's just a pinch)
5 cups Whole wheat flour
1 cup Milk
2 Eggs
10 tablespoon Vegetable oil or bacon fat
1 pinch Onion or garlic powder
1 teaspoon Salt
1/2 cup Cold water
1 tablespoon Vegetable oil to grease pan
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Grease cookie sheets. Mix all ingredients well. Pinch off pieces of the dough and roll them into two-inch balls. Bake biscuits at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Let them cool, then store in an airtight container.
17~Mom used attic as lockup.....
Kids to cops: Mom used attic as lockup when angry
Associated Press Writer
LOWELL, Mass. (AP) -- Police responding to a report of a 3-year-old being locked in a sweltering, filthy attic were told by other children, "Mommy does this when she gets angry," a prosecutor said Friday.
Kristen Paquette, 27, was charged with reckless endangerment to a child and assault and battery on a child and was being held on $10,000 bail after arraignment Friday in Lowell District Court. Her family and attorney portrayed her as an overwhelmed mother dealing with an especially unruly child.
Police said the boy was naked, covered in urine and feces, and had several minor bumps on his forehead when officers acting on a tip went to Paquette's Lowell apartment Thursday. They estimated the temperature inside the attic at over 100 degrees. The door to the room was locked, and the only window inside was nailed shut, said prosecutor Dan Harren. Feces-covered child-size fingerprints were on the wall, he said.
Outside the attic was a similarly filthy mattress, surrounded by hundreds of flies, Harren said. Health officials condemned the apartment afterward.
Officers said another boy and a girl at the home told them Paquette took the 3-year-old by his arms "and dragged him upstairs to the attic." The children told officers such things happened "a lot."
Harren said the children told authorities, "Mommy does this when she gets angry." One boy told police his sibling "was bad, so Mommy put him upstairs and changed the door handle," according to the police report.
16~Free Soy Crisps Sample
Thursday, July 30, 2009
15~The Beginning Over Foundation
Who We Are
An organization founded in memory of my sister Robin D. Shaffer. On June 15, 2005, Robin lost her life at the hands of her abusive husband. On that day I made her a promise and today my conviction is stronger than ever. Robin's memory will live on through the great work of the Beginning Over Foundation.
What we do
Offer education, support, advocacy, housing, and hope to those touched by domestic abuse.
Why we are here
To end domestic abuse, restore hope and rebuild and save lives.
The Beginning Over Foundation
PO Box 3953
Easton, PA 18043
-- Noel Coward
Have you noticed that all the people in favour of birth control are already born?
-- Benny Hill
People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid.
-- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard
There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors.
-- Jim Morrison
Deserves its own list: George W. Bush Quotes
"Rarely is the question asked, is our children learning?" Let us analyze that sentence for a moment. If you're a stickler, you probably think the singular verb "is" should have been the plural "are," but if you read it closely, you'll see I'm using the intransitive plural subjunctive tense. So the word "is" are correct."
You can fool some of the people all the time, and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.
-- (spoken at a Washington Dinner, March 2001)
13~~The Eye~
I cannot explain it, it is what it is....in searching for meanings I came across the following...
Eyes are complex dream symbols and can be interpreted by considering the dreamer's experiences and the details in the dream (as is the case with all dream symbols). Some say that the eyes are the windows for the soul.
Eyes symbolize perceptiveness, personal outlook, clairvoyance, curiosity, and knowledge. They also reveal information about personal identity and suggest to the dreamer what he should pay attention to. Closed eyes are said to represent fear and an unwillingness to see clearly. Superstition-based dream interpretations say that if the eyes in your dream are beautiful they represent peace. Crossed eyes may be a unconscious warning about someone’s character, integrity, or misperceptions.
Source: Dream Lover Incorporated, http://www.dreamloverinc.com
10~Honey Kix Giveaway!!
One commenter will receive a VERY fun Honey Kix prize pack that includes a coupon for a box of cereal, a honey jar, a cereal bowl, a container to take your cereal and milk on-the-go (which is very fun!), and a great container to keep cereal fresh at home. To enter, click the highlighted title "Honey Kix Giveaway!!".....
9~Money Savers
-tracks prices on items and alerts you when the price drops!
-scans store circulars each week in all 50 states so you can find sales at your local store!
-will help you fing coupon codes for discounts on online purchases!
8~Homemade laundry detergent recipe
We have gone from spending about $20 a month on laundry detergent to $3.00 a month!! It is a snap to make- I keep it on the stove while doing other things around the house! **The first time you make it, I recommend keeping a close watch on the stove, until you get the hang of the temperatures and times needed.....
( I use whatever soap I have on hand, and have noticed no difference- great way to use up those soap scraps!)
***Click on title to be taken directly to recipe page***
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
7~Overeaters Anonymous here we come....
6~Is CNN Covering Up Michael Jackson Ghost Video ?
07/27/2009 by parabook
PERSONAL NOTE : A few weeks back I posted a video of a Larry King CNN Special on Michael Jackson that many thought ( and many still do think ) contained a scene in which the spirit of Michael himself can be seen. Larry King and his crew explained the supposed spirit sighting as a trick of light in which a crewmember had cast a shadow onto a distant wall . The video below was just brought to my attention. It was posted at YouTube by a 44 year old Canadian that goes by the username of CCPaintball. He recorded the live broadcast and later as his friend watched it he found more strange occurrences in the video. CCPaintball says that the scene he found the new anomaly in can only be found in the original live broadcast and that in later re-broadcasts the scene has been strangely cut out. This is a fact I cannot verify as true or false since I did not see the original live version or any of the re-broadcasts. I leave it up to each of you as to your thoughts.
Best wishes,
Donald Ryles PhD
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
5~Did you know?
3~Natural Teeth Whitening
2~Pretty kitty or fish....
1~ On a whim...
Although I AM a mom, I do not want this to become the run-of-the-mill "mom blog"!
There are so many otherwise useless tips, tricks, recipes and tweaks in my mind, that I figured, maybe someone would find them useful, simply divine, or just need a laugh! ....
Push, push,push......the birth of Eclectic Potions and Notions!